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Sacred vine of the Amazon, boa shaped, it embraces the trees of the beloved mother Selva. This plant helps us to get to know us deeper on this infinite path of self-knowledge.

When it’s cooked it is mixed with a bush called Chacuruna and together they invite us to visions.

The Ancestors from in the jungle say that Ayahuasca is a book and Chacuruna is the light that illuminates that book so that we can read the message and receive it with clarity.

The word Ayahuasca means “the plant of the death”, meaning that we die and are born again leaving behind our fears, insecurities and all that doesn’t allow us to be happy.

It empowers us in a collective prayer of consciousness and understanding, leaving behind all that society demands us, inviting us to be ourselves in each moment and each second with the strength put from the heart, so that we can sow transparency and clarity for ourselves and by that for the planet.

This is an explanation of Ayahuasca that we can comprehend in terms of our language, without leaving behind the language of master plants which invite us to that world that we believe to be unaware of, yet little by little we realize that we are also part of their world.

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Thank you Mother Ayahuasca and Chacuruna

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